Basti means “bladder” or a vessel that holds liquid. A localized Basti is a pool that holds warm herbal oil atop a specific region on the body. A pool is typically created with dough made out of various types of flour and water. It is a type of nourishing therapy to the targeted pain area, physical or emotional, and aides in promoting healing.
Localized Basti- An Ayurvedic pain targeting oil treatment leaving you feeling nourished from the inside out. The application of warm herbal oils in a contained dough dam are applied over specific areas of the body for healing.

Kati Basti – for treating pain in the lower back region. Helps provide relief from stiffness, swelling, and inflammation.

Greeva Basti – for treating neck and cervical spine pain

Nahbi – Over the abdomen/navel region. It aides in strengthening digestion, relieving abdominal discomfort/bloating/digestive issues, supports elimination of toxins, helps release trapped emotions, female fertility support.

Janu Basti – for treating knee pain.
Hridaya (heart/chest) – Over the heart center. This treatment nourishes, balances, and strengthens heart functioning. It may help with releasing emotions that are blocked or in need of care. The heart is a more deeply held and vulnerable spot on the body but it can be a very powerful and healing area to receive treatment.